Running Into Problems Is NORMAL!
Quick Announcements From Solomon
Bottom line, Twitter is hot. If you want more Twitter followers, check out Travis Millward’s new site.
Wow, I just found out my blog has been looking HORRIBLE in Internet Explorer for months! Should look a lot better now. 🙂
- Daily Niche Idea has been converting great for me and I always seem to be making commissions here. If you’re looking for a good affiliate program, you should check this one out
- Paypal just got a new look inside the member’s area. I haven’t gotten a good look at it yet, but you might wanna check it out.
- So apparently there was a major issue at recently, which is a major webhost. This caused a TON of websites to go down for awhile. The lesson? Back up your sites regularly!
- Bought Mike Filsaime’s LaunchTree this week. Haven’t gotten a chance to go through everything yet, but I’m very excited to see what secrets I discover.
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13 Deadly List Building Tragedies
Main Article
So awhile back I got my Butterfly Marketing Software and I am very excited and grateful that I have it.
Mike Filsaime is one of the biggest marketers in Internet Marketing, with an entire team of people and years of experience.
But even someone like Mike can run into problems!
If you were around during Filsaime’s promotion, you may have heard that SO many people rushed into the website to get their free copy of the software, that the website was down for several hours.
The reason is because he was giving away his Butterfly Marketing Software for free, and it was going to be limited to only 5,000 copies!
I was literally sitting there watching the live broadcast as his team tried to resolve the issue.
The truth is that anyone can make mistakes, even the best.
I just want you to know that it happens to everyone! What separates the average person from the successful is not what happens, but rather how we react.
The next time you run into problems, don’t get mad, don’t panic.
Sit back, take a deep breath, and a moment to relax. It’s ok to be frustrated.
Just don’t let that frustration keep you from finding a solution and blind you from achieving success.
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Solomon Huey is a Full Time Internet Marketer who absolutely loves revealing secrets about all aspects of online business. Visit his blog and discover his secrets to making money online and running a successful business. You'll can also get his free website traffic report, that reveals his hidden tricks to getting massive amounts of traffic every single day.
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This message contains content where I may receive some compensation for recommending products and/or services. As you probably already know if you’ve been on my lists for awhile, I ONLY go out of my way to mention a site if I think it’s something I truly believe will help you. =)
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Quick Note From Solomon:
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Last 5 posts by Solomon Huey
- The 25 Second Coaching Video
- How To Become A Successful Entreprenuer in 3 Steps
- Mind Voodoo. Collect Referrals And Commissions Like MAGIC!
- How To Increase Your Sales and Credibility With Existing Content
- Destined To Fail

Great Point! Its easy to get frustrated by the hangups that come with internet marketing in general, and of a launch specifically. But…if you spend too much time worried about potential problems, you’ll never get anything done. Just do the best you can and be prepared to problem solve. Again, this is great advice!
Thanks for the encouragement. Sometimes when you are in the middle of the problem all you can see are the alligators and not the path to get out.
I had to blogs crash on the same day and it was hard to stay focused and work through it. When I got them fixed as happens many times I learned it was not near as hard as I thought when looking at the problem.
Bo Tipton
The Ornery Marketer
Bo Tipton´s last blog post..The Secret Of Making Money On The Internet
Yea, I can’t say I’d stay as calm as Filsaime did with thousands of people waiting to get his software, but I think we can all take some valuable lessons from what happened that day.
Being a glass half full sort of person, I always think of “problems” merely being “situations that need to be dealt with” 😉
Kevin Phoenix´s last blog post..Cash Cow Investment
@Kevin Phoenix –
Thinking positive? Do people still do that?
Haha good way to look at things Kevin
Hi Long time reader first time poster.
Great post it helped me alot.
@W Garden –
Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment!
I would be happy to have troubles like that.
Ragnar´s last blog post..Squeeze Page Mastery Part 3 – Article Traffic and Exchange Traffic.
@Ragnar – haha yea I know wouldn’t we all 🙂
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