You may have heard people talk about the concept of branding in internet marketing. Basically, it means that you build a brand. It could be the brand of your website, your company, or even you.
In fact, I make an effort to brand my websites and myself.
But just why is it so effective at making you money?
Branding means that people know who you are when they see it. And that is 90% of advertising! You WANT people to stop and look when you have something to say.
Building a brand means the spotlight is always on you whenever you show up to the party. It doesn’t matter what you tell people if no one is paying attention! One of my first websites, Elite Safelist, is advertised all over the place. I even see it when I’m doing work on other websites sometimes. If you’re new to internet marketing, you may ignore those ads at first. But when people see it every day or every week without fail, they inevitably start to pay attention to it.
Once people begin to pay attention, your voice begins to be heard… and THAT is your opportunity to turn your brand into something special.
“How do I turn my voice into a powerful message?”
Easy! Offer people something unique and tell them what you can honestly provide them, if they subscribe to your mailing list and pay attention to you.
Some examples:
- “I’m an experienced marketer who has accomplished ______ using ________. Join my list and uncover my secrets!”
- “I’ve been joining and reviewing all the hottest new websites. Save yourself the time and money, and let me reveal the sites that are designed to make you money, versus the sites designed to TAKE your money!”
- “I’m an average ______ (ex. mom, dad, student, construction worker, office lackey, etc) who discovered how to make some extra cash online in my spare time …. from the comfort of my own home! If that sounds interesting to you, I invite you to claim my free profit-making newsletter.”
Take some time, get creative, and market yourself or your business as something special!
What can you offer that is unique? Have questions or need feedback? Got a cool or interesting success story? Leave a comment below and lets brainstorm! 🙂
Categories: How To, Internet Marketing, List Building Tags: achieving success advertising building a brand business concept of branding extra cash Internet Marketing success
After talking with someone recently who has been successfully using the List Recon system to build a mailing list, I was asked about whether some new squeeze pages were going to be made.
Fortunately for you, the current squeeze pages already do a fantastic job at converting people into subscribers. Even to this day, I’m using the exact same List Recon squeeze pages given to you to build my own list, so I know they work and they work well!
With that fact, I don’t feel a need to add new squeezes… BUT … after reviewing what was already there, I did realize that I have uncovered quite a few additional tactics that increases conversions since we first introduced List Recon.
And now those subtle changes have been added! You may not even notice the changes, but they use secret ninja tactics that make people much more willing and excited to subscribe. List Recon has been helping many folks out there build their subscriber list and finally start making sales, but now it has quietly just gotten a lot better!
If you aren’t sure why you want to build a subscriber list or just aren’t a member of List Recon yet, just go to the homepage and see why it is such a necessary weapon in your income-building arsenal.
Categories: Affiliate Marketing, Internet Marketing, List Building, Website Traffic Generation Tags: autoresponders Conversions List Building List Recon solomon huey Squeeze pages
Well, it looks like another Google update to their search engine rankings has gone into affect!
And it seems like marketers all over are already seeing their websites drop significantly in the rankings. There’s already large and growing threads in many of the popular marketing forums where folks are sharing how far their website rankings have fell!
I just thought I would take this opportunity to show you yet another reason why I believe so strongly in building your own subscriber list.
This protects your business from being at the mercy of the search engines. So whether you are using SEO, safelist, traffic exchanges, paid advertising, or any other type of traffic generation method, please don’t put all that work to waste!
You never know when that website you’re promoting might go out of business, making your affiliate links pointless. You never know when an owner might just stop paying out commissions (has happened to me a few times and lots of other marketers!). And you never know when your top ranking website might suddenly stop receiving any traffic at all.
Build a customer list that you can bring with you wherever your business takes you.
For building a subscriber list, I like Aweber.
If you need some tools to start you on the way to building your own mailing list, try out my very cool list building and traffic system, List Recon.
Have you been affected by this change or know someone who has? Have a story or comment you want to share? We would love to hear from you!
Categories: Affiliate Marketing, Internet Marketing, List Building, Website Traffic Generation Tags: Aweber business List Building List Recon Marketing safelist search engine rankings search engines traffic exchanges traffic generation website rankings
I’ve mentioned on numerous occasions through the years about how I managed to have success online in a fairly short period of time. Within 3 months of jumping seriously into traffic exchanges, I managed to start earning a full time income online.
BUT there is a dirty little secret that not many people share…
You must pay your dues to reach success!
Of course there are some exceptions if you’re extremely lucky, but for 99% of people it will take some effort if you want to live a new and improved lifestyle.
One thing I’ve never shared with you is the amount of effort I put in my first few months before launching my first site, Elite Safelist. At the time I was in college, working a part time job, and trying to build my online business. This is literally what my schedule was like:
5:30 AM – Wake up (or at least try to!)
6 AM – Leave for School
7 AM – 7 PM – At School, In Class, Working, Driving Home, Working On Biz Between All That Other Stuff!
8 PM – 2 AM – Working on my business
All Day – Working on my business as much as humanly possible, with exceptions made for family, holidays, events, etc.
Yes, I was only sleeping a few hours a day at best – no exaggeration. Of course there were the occasional days where I had other stuff to do, but this was literally what I was doing on a daily basis. And there were many times I stayed up until 3 – 5 in the morning.
Today, I can say I live in a way that most people would probably be envious of. Most of my day belongs to me, while my business works for me.
But please do not misunderstand me, I am not asking you to put this much effort daily into your own business. I understand you probably have your own responsibilities and you don’t need to be crazy like I was to succeed. In fact what I did was borderline insane and quite unhealthy too! However, I would like you to realize that if you are not yet achieving the success you had imagined, the odds are you may not have paid your dues yet.
How many hours have you actually worked on your business so far?
And I’m not talking about looking at the computer deciding what to do, where to go, or searching online for another product to buy. But actually working, such as doing research, learning from experts, discovering new strategies/skills, building squeeze pages, getting traffic, brainstorming, etc etc.?
I probably put more effort in 3 months than the average person would do in 1-2 years.
That is perfectly fine!
If it took you 1 year to be able to make a full time income online, would that be ok for you? Would you be happy even if it took you 2 years? Or even 5 years to get out of your job and actually get to spend time doing things you enjoy on a daily basis? A college education is roughly the same amount of time, and all that gets you is a j-o-b!
Success is not a race. I don’t care if you see success in 3 months or 5 years from now, but I want to see you succeed.
So understand that while you do have to pay your dues, and it is all worth the effort in the end. That’s the dirty little secret, but actually it’s not that bad if it means you can wake up with a smile on your face everyday! 🙂
Categories: How To, Internet Marketing, Life, Self Improvement Tags: achieving success Internet Marketing making money success successful internet marketers working hard