Taking Advantage of Twitter


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You’re probably hearing about Twitter everywhere these days, and it’s not just from online marketers. It’s being talked about on TV every day too!

Celebrities are using it. Big companies are tweeting. I’ve heard of people tweeting as their house is getting ROBBED!

Whether you think Twitter is a faze or not, it is not going anywhere any time soon.

In case you don’t know what twitter is, it is basically a “micro blog”, where users can talk about things going on in their lives with a small, 140 character entry.

I know it sounds silly, but so did blogs, Myspace, and Pokemon! Ok…Pokemon still sounds silly, but it’s been around for about decade now. =)

The real power of Twitter is being able to connect with people. With people on it all the time, it’s a chance to show people what you’re truly like as a person and actually create dialogue with people that you might not normally get to talk to.

I’ve learned quite a bit about some marketers just by following them on Twitter, and I’ve even make purchases from peoples’ tweets!

So whether you want to build your brand, make some money, expand your business, follow the people you look up to, or just follow your friends, Twitter is one of the most popular places where you can do it.

And that is why it Twitter is the place to be at these days.

So here’s what you can do right now:

1) Sign up for a Twitter Account

2) Follow me of course! =) …and any other friends that you may know on there. Check out my list of people I follow and you might see some recognizable marketers on there. Follow them if you want too.
=> http://twitter.com/SolomonHuey

3) Boost your own follower count by using my friend Travis Millward’s new Viral Twitter Site. Upgrade your account if you want more followers on autopilot.
=> Get More Followers Here

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About the Author
Solomon Huey is a Full Time Internet Marketer who absolutely loves revealing secrets about all aspects of online business. Visit his blog and discover his secrets to making money online and running a successful business. You'll can also get his free website traffic report, that reveals his hidden tricks to getting massive amounts of traffic every single day.

Go to Solomon's Blog now at http://www.SolomonHuey.com

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This message contains content where I may receive some compensation for recommending products and/or services. As you probably already know if you’ve been on my lists for awhile, I ONLY go out of my way to mention a site if I think it’s something I truly believe will help you. =)


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    Nunya Business (1 comments) says:
    02. May, 2009   

    I have tried at least 20 times to join twitter, even used different email addresses ( I have 11 of them lol) but each time I try to register I keep getting an Error message 403 I believe. The server understood your request, but has refused to fulfill it. So I guess I won’t be following anyone sigh

    Solomon Huey (138 comments) says:
    02. May, 2009   

    @Nunya Business – Oh wow that’s weird! 🙁 Did you ever have any luck contacting customer support?

    Travis Millward (10 comments) says:
    02. May, 2009   

    Hey Solo –

    Yeah, Twitter is pretty great. Thanks for mentioning MNT. I can’t believe how popular it’s been. I saw one guy get a 105% increase in his followers in only 5 days.

    As always, keep up the good work.


    Travis Millward´s last blog post..5 Ways to Keep Visitors Coming Back

    Solomon Huey (138 comments) says:
    05. May, 2009   

    Seems to be working great for me so far. I don’t lift a finger and I just keep getting more and more followers.

    I honestly haven’t been keeping track of the numbers, I just know I don’t promote my twitter account hardly at all yet I’m almost at 500 followers, haha.

    For those reading, the upgraded option at My New Tweeps is what’s really making this magic happen. 🙂

    Jerry Iannucci (3 comments) says:
    10. May, 2009   

    Very informative. I had no idea Pokemon had been around for 10 years now. How the time does fly.

    Twitter is still in it’s infancy but it’s amazing to see how fast it is growing as more and more people being developing applications for it.

    Just having the ability to have a tweet automatically sent every time your blog is updated is enough to create a lot of traffic and it’s so much less intrusive then trying send out 500 emails announcing every little thing you do.

    Jerry Iannucci´s last blog post..How to Launch a Membership Site – Part 4

    Solomon Huey (138 comments) says:
    11. May, 2009   

    Yeah I feel like I’m getting old! haha

    Google is still in the lead to take over the world, but Pokemon and Twitter are still in the running. 🙂

    Yea I’ve gotta say I love how you can integrate various sites so smoothly. A bit confusing at first, but as always that effort early on pays its dividends over time.

    Justin (1 comments) says:
    30. May, 2009   

    Whoa… this site is pretty awesome 🙂 your layout is really well designed, and your blogs are (judging from what i’ve read) very interesting. heehee… consider yourself favorited. 😛

    Grotewold (1 comments) says:
    28. Jun, 2009   

    I use twitter all the time, but I never get much of a response. Could you please explain the best way to get people to respond to your twitter ads.

    Solomon Huey (138 comments) says:
    28. Jun, 2009   


    It wouldn’t be a whole lot different than having your own mailing list. What you really want to do is have a targeted group of followers, build a relationship, get them looking forward to your tweets, and tweet about things that they are interested in.

    For example, a lot of my followers are either people I know or people who know of me. They are also almost all internet marketers. This naturally makes my followers more responsive.

    I’d recommend Joel Comm’s Twitter power, which I HEARD (as in I haven’t read it yet) is an awesome book about twitter. 🙂

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