My Audio Results
Ok, well the results are in on my audio squeeze page! In my previous blog post, I boldly claimed that my voice is incredibly boring, and apparently I was right!
I took my highest converting squeeze page (rotated at safelists and traffic exchanges) at the time and made an exact copy, except I added an audio to it that plays automatically. Here are the stats:
Squeeze Page without Audio
Displays: 4357
Optins: 55
Optin Percentage: 1.3%
Squeeze Page with Audio
Displays: 3469
Optins: 37
Optin Percentage: 1.1%
Click Here to Listen to my audio. (Opens in a new window)
Although I’d prefer to test with at least 5,000 page views, the conversions have been consistently better for the non-audio squeeze page for the last few thousand displays.
So what is the lesson to be learned? Does this mean that audio squeeze pages don’t work?
The people I heard this tip from have experienced incredible increases in conversions by adding audio to their web pages, so why not me?
Well, keep in mind I did this audio myself, and I am NOT a professional. The people who I know have experienced strong results with audio did it with a professionally created audio.
The real lesson to be learned today is not that audio works or it doesn’t work. Instead, take from my experience that if you are going to do something, do it right and get it done by someone who knows what they are doing.
It took me about an hour of my time and thousands of credits to see if my audio would increase sign ups. With that amount of money and time I invested, I could have easily paid to have a professional do it!
This goes the same for just about any aspect of your business, whether it is website design, graphics, or programming. Focus on your strengths and the things you enjoy, and leave the rest to someone who specializes in their field.
Don’t make the same mistake I did. It will save you time, money, effort, and will give you the freedom to make your business even stronger. 😉
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Solomon Huey is a Full Time Internet Marketer who absolutely loves revealing secrets about all aspects of online business. Visit his blog and discover his secrets to making money online and running a successful business. You'll can also get his free website traffic report, that reveals his hidden tricks to getting massive amounts of traffic every single day.
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Last 5 posts by Solomon Huey
- The 25 Second Coaching Video
- How To Become A Successful Entreprenuer in 3 Steps
- Mind Voodoo. Collect Referrals And Commissions Like MAGIC!
- How To Increase Your Sales and Credibility With Existing Content
- Destined To Fail

Hey Solomon.. Just a note as well, you are hosting the file on your server and it took 3+ seconds to load your site for me. I’ve been using a content delivery network to host my videos. It could be that the audio is taking long to load and having a negative effect. Or you’re just boring. (but my boring videos get results LOL)
Tim Linden´s last blog post..What is a Manual Traffic Exchange?
Ohh interesting, thanks for the tip Tim. I didn’t think about that.
But cmon man, you know I’m not a techy. What the heck is a content delivery network? haha 😛
I find it hard to understand what you are talking about in the audio because the music is so loud!
… Also, why not make a video instead?
There are things like AUTO PLAY that usually tick visitors off, it could be that.
Extra Paycheck´s last blog post..5 Ways for Internet Marketers to Save Money
Thanks for the comment. Yeah I actually played around a lot with the volume, but it’s hard to know how well people can hear things. For example, I hear every word fine, but now I know you think the music is blasting, haha.
But that’s why I think it would be smarter to turn to someone who knows exactly what they are doing and save yourself the trouble 🙂
I’ve seen a couple of other tests done by some trusted colleagues, and they’ve all found autoplay to work very well for them. So while you (and definitely me) might hate the autoplay, people generally respond better to it.
I myself have not tried video as of yet, I am really camera shy. But I agreed totally with you about using common sense in attempting to consider any joint venture, Whether you are the one who is aproached or you are the one who is requesting a partner or two. It was good to see you on video. And the advice was informative. I like your humor about the shadow and the “I am a real person” personality. People in any type of on-line or off-line business can benefit from this video. Being yourself is one piece of advice I have never forgotten from my parents.
And it is one we so often need reminder of as adults.
So Thank You for being Yourself.
I also think that the music overpowered your voice. That might have something to do with the results.
I had to play close attention to what you were saying to hear you. You might try recording it again with the music and rerun the test and see what happens. Would be interesting to see.
Your voiced seemed clear with good enunciation and it was not a monotone so I do not thing it was your voice.
It might also be what Tim said about the loading time. It took a little bit for it to load on my computer and I am on DSL. If I was watching a timer I would have been clicking off your site about the time it started to play.
Personally I would rather hear the person I was going to do business with on the audio for something like you were advertising rather then someone paid to read a script.
Bo Tipton
The Ornery Marketer.
Bo Tipton´s last blog post..The Number One Reason That People Fail On The Internet
Good point about hearing from the actual person. That’s another perspective to consider.
I definitely need to revisit my audio again sometime!
I didn’t think your audio was all that bad. I do think the music was a little overpowering I had to listen hard to hear your voice over the music.
Audio works good so don’t give up.
Also how about testing a video and see which of the 3 do better 🙂
Test, test, and test again…
Yeah I definitely want to do video later too! Hopefully I fair better with that one, haha
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